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Hersteller  [Vision]
39,90 €

inkl. 19% MwSt.
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Der Vision X-Pert2 Golfball von Vision bietet mit der Thin-Cover Technologie einen Pro Tour Spin und somit ein hohes Maß an Kontrolle für Ihr Short Game und Ihre Drives mit konstanter gerader Weite. Verbesserte Performance und weniger Schläge sind die positiven Effekte diese Vision Golfballs für Ihr Spiel.
  • X-pert Thin Cover - High Tech Materialien für mehr Kontrolle in jeder Spielsituation
  • Pro Tour Spin - mehr Spin für mehr Präzision bei der Annäherung an das Grün
  • Short Game Control - weiche erhöhte Kontrolle und Genauigkeit rund um das Grün
  • Multi Layer Power - konsistente Weiten mit Vision™ power technology
  • Ein Duzend / 12 Golfbälle einzeln verpackt im Karton
X-pert Thin Cover
The development of a new manufacturing method allowed us to create our thinnest covered high performance ball yet. Using new hi-tech materials we have created a ball that gives the better player more control in all conditions. These materials provide enhanced durability especially when compared to the urethane tour balls on the market today. The markings on this ball are traditional two pole style.

Pro Tour Spin
The PTS icon with its two spinning arrows surrounding a centre point demonstrates the higher spinning nature of this ball due to its new hi-tech materials. The level of spin available gives greater control and accuracy on all full and approach shots into the green.

Short Game Control
The overall softer feel and extra spin, allows the better player greater control and accuracy over their short shots from around the green when attacking the pin resulting in more saved shots per round.

Multi Layer Power
Our bullseye styled icon with its concentric circles confirms that this ball has our advanced Vision™ power technology. Through the use of multiple components, our product is consistently longer with driver and irons whilst retaining the great feel and memorable click sound that better players are always looking for.
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